Many people think because real estate is privately owned in the UK that the right to develop resides solely with the land owner, this assumption- unfair it may be, can be wrong.

Development rights, while some are owned or permitted have essentially been nationalised in the UK since the inception of the planning system in 1946.

Acts of development frequently under scrutiny by the UK government include: full or part demolition, change of use, redevelopment and/or new construction.

Operational and alternative land uses allow for the tailoring of existing sites and, if well implemented, can add value to your property asset.

Private planning consultants offer guidance to landowners, developers and interested land parties on what is achievable- bridging the gap between client aspirations, statutory procedures and local planning policy.

Planning is for landowners, developers, architects, surveyors and other land interested parties (including objectors to planning applications) who wish to consider, or object to, an alternative or higher land use for a site or undertake operational development on a piece of land.
This includes private individuals, home owners, communal trusts and charities.